How to parse data in scrapex

It’s very easy to parse html document to data points in scrapex.

parse data points from the document using XPATH

>>> doc = s.load('')
>>> headline = doc.extract("//h3[contains(text(),'results')]").strip()
>>> print(headline)
445 repository results
>>> number_of_results = headline.subreg('([\d\,]+)').replace(',','')
>>> print(number_of_results)
>>> next_page_url = doc.extract("//a[.='Next']/@href")
>>> print(next_page_url)

parse data from a child node

>>> nodes = doc.query("//ul[@class='repo-list']/li")
>>> print('num of nodes:', len(nodes))
num of nodes: 10
>>> node = nodes[0] #play with first result
>>> repo_name = node.extract(".//div[contains(@class,'text-normal')]/a")
>>> print(repo_name)
>>> description = node.extract(".//div[@class='mt-n1']/p").strip()
>>> print(description)
Scrapy, a fast high-level web crawling & scraping framework for Python.
>>> tags = node.query(".//a[contains(@class,'topic-tag')]").join(', ')
>>> print(tags)
python, crawler, framework, scraping, crawling

parse street address components

>>> from scrapex import common
>>> doc = s.load('')
>>> first_result = doc.node("//div[@class='result']")
>>> name = first_result.extract(".//a[@class='business-name']").strip()
>>> print(name)
Mr. K's
>>> full_address = first_result.query(".//p[@class='adr']/following-sibling::div").join(', ').replace(',,',',')
>>> print(full_address)
570 Lexington Ave, New York, NY 10022
>>> parsed_address = common.parse_address(full_address)
>>> print(parsed_address)
{'address': 570 Lexington Ave, 'city': New York, 'state': NY, 'zipcode': 10022}